Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

How Construction Has Evolved Over The Years

Through the years, community architecture has changed in many ways. Though it’s difficult to say when civil engineering became a consistent method of construction, it has most definitely evolved into something we cannot live without. 


Civil engineering is a specialized field relevant to the plan development and building process of infrastructures such as roads, bridges, rail lines and so much more. In the earlier human era, examples such as Egyptians and pyramids are used to show just how much could be accomplished without the use of proper tools. Roads were nothing but small trails used by animals, which humans eventually adopted. As time passed, early civil engineers began clearing out trees to create shorter commutes. Once horses, then wagons, then motorized vehicles were all accommodated for, and the usage of roads became a mandatory requirement for travel. New troubles raised for these evolving modes of transportation, and civil engineers created roads to make a smoother path. At the beginning, the engineers used rocks and stones but eventually evolved to using burned brick. The elements challenged all materials until proper drainage and asphalt concrete was introduced. 


In the early age of mankind, we made use of caves and trees as shelter. Eventually, twigs and branches were turned into tent-like structures. Materials were whatever they could find, but as time passed, humans began to consider which materials would benefit their current environment. Iron was used in place of wood to solve fire problems, and steel was used to invent other helpful construction tools. With the use of these new methods and ideas, construction blossomed and people became more capable of larger infrastructures.

Evolution of construction can be incredibly interesting to consider. Now we look outside our windows and think nothing of the infrastructures in front of us, but to learn about where it started can blow one’s mind. Civil engineering has come quite a long way, and it will only continue to become more advanced as time passes. 

Jerdon Enterprise holds the knowledge and expertise needed to complete a successful and quality construction project. Contact us today. If you are interested in viewing some of Jerdon’s modern day civil engineering projects, click here!