13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203

3D Printing in Construction

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3D Printing in Construction

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Construction, Construction News, General Construction, technology

New technologies are constantly evolving, especially in the construction field. One tactic used is 3D printing. It has many advantages and will continue to be used in the future for many reasons. 



3D printing first made its appearance in the construction industry in 2004, when it built a simple wall. Now, it is used for the construction of buildings, houses and more. The market for 3D printing is quickly growing and is expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2024. 



One of the reasons this technology is capturing the attention of construction companies are the multiple benefits. Time is very valuable and 3D printing allows construction to work at a faster pace. In the past, a 3D printing machine could build a house in a matter of two days. Manual labor can take up to months to build a house. 


Waste Management

Not only does 3D printing cut down the construction time, it helps with waste management. When construction takes place, a lot of materials go to waste and end up in landfills. With 3D printing, it only uses the exact amount of materials needed. 


Design Freedom

Using this kind of technology allows for the user to program complex designs for it to build. It has no limitations and can easily create unique designs that manual labor could have issues with. 



Since it is a machine, the rate of errors that can occur are low. It is programmed on what to do and avoids what not to do. It also aids in reducing human error. Many workers on the construction site often receive injuries, but when using 3D printing, it relieves workers thus preventing any further injuries. 


From speed, waste management, design freedom to errors, this technology continues to help the workplace. It can be determined that 3D printing will continue to grow in this industry. 


Construction technology is always changing and improving. Jerdon Enterprises adapts our business to the most effective and efficient ways of construction. We are professional and experienced. Feel free to contact us and make sure to follow us on Twitter and  Facebook.


Author: jerdonlp

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