13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203

Severe Weather Plan for Construction Companies

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Severe Weather Plan for Construction Companies

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction News, General Construction, Projects, Safety, Severe Weather

Severe weather can quickly damage a construction site and add time and money to pre existing projects. Especially in Texas when we are facing freezing temperatures one day and tropical storms the next. Knowing how to effectively manage and prepare your construction site for weather changes is crucial for protecting construction sites and equipment. Here is a step by step guide to create a severe weather plan.

1.Before the Storm 



Start the weather plan before the storm or weather begins. Even when the weather surprises you, it is good to be ahead of the storm, even if it is only ten minutes. Doing this will ensure that the site can be fully prepared and protected.


2. Evaluate Site Risks


If temperatures drop and the area will freeze, it is good to take note of any exposed equipment or areas that the freeze will damage. You can cover the tools with a tarp or a type of sheet or you can put them into a garage to make sure they stay dry and cool. For severe rain and possible flooding, make sure to remove any tools that can be trapped or submerged in water. 


3. Emergency Response


Have a set routine for contacting emergency services and have certain people on call to help prepare or clean up any damages. 


4. All Weather Types


Since the weather can rapidly change, it is important to have a plan that works for all weather conditions. Consider the season you are in and prepare for weather that corresponds. 


5. Share the Plan


Once the plan is confirmed, you should make all employees aware of it and make sure the plan is posted somewhere visible. This will help to further prepare your construction team. It can also be effective to assign certain tasks to certain employees to make this process easier and faster. 

Jerdon Enterprises, L.P. has over three decades of engineering and construction experience to provide the best results for your project, including weather protection of all projects. Have a question regarding a potential project, contact us today!

Author: jerdonlp

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